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It’s time to make sure the folks at home have their back covered in Washington D.C.
It's time to deliver real results for working families.
It’s time to elect Preston Nouri to represent PA -16.
Preston was born and raised by his loving family in Erie, Pennsylvania. His long-standing commitment to hard work, community service, and public policy led him to work for nonprofits and government agencies to ensure the national security and safety of Pennsylvanians – and Americans everywhere.
Learn more about where Preston stands on the issues.

“Erie is my home, and I want to take care of my home and all communities across the 16th District. I will work tirelessly to ensure good public education, opportunities to expand career opportunities and skill sets through technical programs and apprenticeships, and comprehensive and accessible healthcare. I have the vision, federal experience, and fire to champion these causes in Washington D.C., and it would be an honor and a privilege to represent the people of the 16th District.”
Preston Nouri
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