Our kids deserve the opportunity to thrive. Washington has stripped them of their tools and expects them to build. We must fund schools to include robust trade & vocational programs that equip students with the tools of tomorrow to foster a skilled workforce ready to forge a better future.
Every child has a right to a quality education. Everyday, partisan politicians try to privatize our school systems to make businesses instead of community institutions for our kids. I w ill advocate for robust public education funding, including after-school programs and supplies for classrooms, to ensure every child has access to quality education and teachers are not burdened with the cost.
Every student deserves the best opportunity to learn. Nutrition is critical to child development, but school is the only place some students will ever eat during the week. It is hard to think about education on an empty stomach. I will advocate universal meals for all public school students so all students have the essential tool for learning.
Every master was once an apprentice. Without access to advanced education, our students are deprived of the training to realize their potential. We need to strengthen community college infrastructure to become accessible and affordable to build the master workforce of tomorrow.

Jobs & Manufacturing
Skilled workers built this nation. Some politicians seem to forget that working families and unions are the ones who fought for our worker rights. I will expand and establish apprenticeship programs for trade and union work, creating pathways to stable, well-paying jobs that can sustain future families.
We forged the legacy of “American-made”. Washington left us out to rust; current politicians are more concerned about lining their pockets and insider trading than bringing jobs back home. Through the CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and other legislation, we have a serious opportunity to bring investments back to Western Pennsylvania. I will attract and bolster jobs in renewable energy resources, industries, and other institutions to foster sustainable economic growth for generations to come.
Small Business is the backbone of America. The “Beltway Bandits” are monopolizing billions upon billions of dollars of federal contracting opportunities every year. We need a Small Business Administration empowered to work for actual small businesses, not conglomerate subsidiaries. I will expand access points for local small businesses and establish PTACs (procurement technical assistance centers) to equip small businesses with the tools they need to compete.
In this economy, working families are under attack. Between 2020-2022, corporate profits rose by 74% (five times more than the rate of inflation). I will hold corporations accountable to end price-gouging and provide incentives for cost of living adjustments, creating an economic environment that works today and tomorrow.

economic Justice
Advocate for a fair tax system that ensures corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share, reducing the burden on working families.
Champion campaign finance reform to reduce the influence of big money in politics and ensure that every voice is heard.
We deserve an America where everyone pays their fair share. Working families pay a tax rate two to three times that of America’s top 26 billionaires. We must craft a tax code that does not serve as a tool for the 1%, but it serves to build wealth for the 99%.
Representatives should represent people instead of power. From 1998 to 2020, money in Congressional races alone per cycle has increased by over $7.2 Billion showing how big money and special interests are buying Congress. I will forge campaign finance reform to reduce the influence of big money in politics and ensure that your representatives represent people instead of special interests.

It is the responsibility of the government to care for its people. Many families are one illness away from bankruptcy, and the tools, medications, that many people rely on are unaffordable. I will advocate for fair market standards for prescriptions through negotiations between Medicare and industry partners to shape a future where everyone can afford their medicine.
Everyone deserves healthcare. Many small businesses and self-employed people cannot afford quality healthcare like Congress or the massive corporations special private insurance rates. I will champion affordable healthcare options for self-employed individuals and small businesses, so we can build a healthier future.
We can address our entire healthcare crisis and be on the road to our nation’s recovery. In 2021, every 11 minutes someone in the U.S. died by suicide, treatment for substance abuse disease and mental health ailments are hard to find and even less affordable. I will advocate to increase mental health services and substance abuse treatment across the board, recognizing that mental health is key to overall health.

Veterans and servicemembers protected us and we ought to protect them. The VA continues to deny our veterans service-connected statuses through bureaucratic means as a way to cover budget shortfalls. I will fight to ensure the VA provides comprehensive healthcare, mental healthcare, and service-connected status for veterans who earned our support.
It is time to end the days where we have enough money for war but not enough to cover the cost. Our veterans deserve pathways to success after duty, yet homelessness amongst veterans continues to rise. I will ensure SkillBridge, other Pathways programs, and veteran housing programs are able to give veterans the tools they need to succeed in civilian life.
America’s heroes deserve to be secure. So many of our service members do not have access to quality food, water, and shelter. Poverty, housing, and food insecurity is a national security threat that has a profound impact on our combat readiness. Ensuring proper funding of these basics will be the materials that form the future of our defense.

restoring our rights
Fairly-drawn districts forge reflective representation. Gerrymandering only benefits partisan politics instead of people as districts are drawn to silence voices and uplift others. I will work to end partisan gerrymandering and make voting easier for Pennsylvanians because building a vibrant democracy requires fair representation and easy access to the ballot box.
We deserve a democracy that represents its people. Politicians are willing to throw out our votes if it does not benefit themselves and their special interests. I will support our election workers, stand up to attacks on the integrity of our election system, and protect our liberty to choose our governmental leaders.

Reproductive freedom
Our privacy and rights are sacred and must be protected. Politicians are willing to risk the lives of people to push an agenda designed to take away freedoms for political profiteering. Protecting our individual freedoms are a primary responsibility of an elected member of Government. I will stand up to extremists by opposing any effort to ban abortion at the Federal level to protect the privacy and freedoms of my constituents.
Communities that have better access to knowledge and resources are able to make better decisions. Politicians are willing to ban healthcare that is considered the “medical standard” for political and financial gain. I will protect access to contraception and reproductive healthcare for all Pennsylvanians ensuring communities are healthier and safer.